## Tomorrows
- Artist(s): [[Son Lux]]
- Release Year: [[2021]]
- Ostensible or actual genres: [[alternative]], [[electronic]], [[experimental]], [[indie]]
- <iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 42px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=1782452208/size=small/bgcol=333333/linkcol=0f91ff/license_id=1707/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://sonlux.bandcamp.com/album/tomorrows">Tomorrows by Son Lux</a></iframe>
Notes: Okay, I know this collects tracks that were released as three separate albums...but, like, each of those albums could have been cut quite a bit and been stronger for it. That being said, I do still like it.
See also: [[Tomorrows Reworks Part 1]]
## Tracks:
| No. | Title | Featuring | Notes |
| --- | ----- | --------- | ----- |
| | | | |
## Bandcamp Copy