Previous month: [[2021-10]]
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# November 1st
![[The Waves Pt 1#The Waves Pt 1]]
![[Before I Die#Before I Die]]
![[goldilocks x#goldilocks x]]
![[incentivize unpaid overtime 2#incentivize unpaid overtime 2]]
# November 5th
![[The Incompatible Okay Kaya#The Incompatible Okay Kaya]]
![[Why Look Up, God's in the Mirror#Why Look Up God's in the Mirror]]
![[These Dreams EP#These Dreams EP]]
![[Identifying Features#Identifying Features]]
![[Epistolary Grieving for Jimmy Swaggart#Epistolary Grieving for Jimmy Swaggart]]
![[Sounds while waiting#Sounds while waiting]]
![[Public Storage#Public Storage]]
![[Echo Electrico#Echo Electrico]]